Community Psy

There are currently many different types of community services for psychiatric patients, provided by the government as well as non-government organizations.


For medical support, psychiatric out-patient clinics as well as Psychiatric day hospitals provide multidisciplinary assessment, continued care and rehabilitation services to psychiatric patients. Patients can also choose to be followed-up by private psychiatrists. Other medical support includes the Community Psychiatric Nursing Service (CPNS) by the Hospital Authority, which will provide nursing care and treatment for psychiatric patients in their own homes.


Social rehabilitation services aim at developing the patients’ physical, mental and social capabilities to the fullest possible extent that their disabilities permit. The ultimate objective is to help them re-integrate into the community. The social welfare department provides many of these services including residential, vocational, and community support. For residential services there are supported hostels, halfway house, and long stay care home available. These are supported accommodation where the patients will be looked after by staff. There are day training or vocational rehabilitation services such as sheltered workshop, supported employment, and integrated vocational rehabilitation services centres. However, both residential and vocational services have long waiting lists and often patients have to wait more than a year for placement. This will in turn affect their rehabilitation progress. Since October 2010, there is an Integrated Community Centre For Mental Wellness in all the different clusters within Hong Kong. Many non-government organizations such as the Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong and New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association also provide social support for psychiatric patients.


The Social Security Allowance (SSA) Scheme provides monthly allowance to citizens who are severely disabled or who are 65 years old or above with special needs arising from disability or old age. This will help those psychiatric patients that may need financial support in the community.


For an ex-mentally ill patient to truly start a new life in the community, acceptance and support from family members and the community is important. Clinical psychologists may also provide emotional support. The government has been promoting mental health in positive manner through various activities such as in television and radio programs.


And last but not least, family members of psychiatric patients will also need support. They should also seek help and this can be provided by Integrated Community Centre For Mental Wellness as well as other non-government organizations.